Wednesday, March 11, 2015

About me

Introduction I'm Lydia Bennett, the undeniable favorite of my mother. I enjoy many things, including shopping and flirting with soldiers. I just want to get married and fulfill my mother's desires for me! My sisters aren't very fond of me, but as the youngest daughter, I have to do my own thing!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Lydia Bennet Part 6

Lizzy is really starting to make me angry. How could you not say yes to a marriage proposal??!!! All mom ever wanted for her as to find a good man to marry. Collins is perfect!!!! Lizzy is just ruining the plan that mama had for us! Lizzy needs to know her place, and that is to settle down and marry the man who is right for her, and that is Collins. She thinks that she is smarter and more refined than him, but who cares! She's a Bennett, and needs to abide by the wants of her mother!

Lydia Bennet Part 5

Me and Kitty hit up the shops today, and we had soooo much fun!! I got home and showed everyone the plethora of clothes that I had purchased, but they hated them! What the heck?! Who cares if its not the cutest or the most expensive, as long as I like it, that's all that matters. I even offered to do the ladies shopping for them! how rude! Oh well, me and Kitty had a fun filled afternoon with shopping, gossip, and boys! 

Lydia Bennet Part 4

Mama has always favored me over the rest of the daughters. Doesn't surprise me that much, because after all, we are practically the same person. She would flaunt me at balls and other events way before she would show off my sisters. Lady Catherine hates me, and says that I should have kept to myself until my other sisters were married. I think mama knows best, and I couldn't care less about what Lady Catherine has to say. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Lydia Bennett Part 3

I have decided. Wickham is the one. He will be my husband, and we will live happily together. Well, almost. I have chosen to run away with him and abandon my previous life in order to start a new one with the one I love. My sisters frown upon me, saying that  it was a shameful act. I believe that deep in  my heart I did this for love. I can see where they may see shame, but I will stand by my decision until the end.

Lydia Bennet, Part 2

Ugh, the dreaded day has come. I received word earlier this morning that the soldiers were moving on. packing up. leaving ME! How could they? One day we are chatting it up and the next, well, they leave! Without them my social life will fall to pieces. Luckily for me, the colonel has offered me a trip with him and his wife to Brighton! how amazing! Who knows what might be in store for me there! a husband, perhaps?

Lydia Bennett: Part 1

I, Lydia Bennett, must confess that I adore soldiers. All dressed up in their uniform all the time and it's making me crazy! I went to town the other day and met up with a few of them while their regiment was stationary. I wish they could stay forever, but alas they eventually must go. I might as well get all my flirting done while I still can! Talking to them comes easy for me, and is definitely by far my favorite thing to do!